Book Reviews by 3rd Graders

Thumbs up!

A to Z Mysteries: The Canary Caper, by Rob Roy (Series Book 3)

Review by Sourya M., 3rd grade

In this book, there are three kids named Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose. They planned on going to the circus. On that day Dink’s neighbor Davis’ canary disappeared. After they investigated a bit, they went to the circus. A few hours later, Ruth Rose’s cat, Tiger, was missing. The next day, they went to the police station to tell the cops. The cop said, “Four pets went missing that day: Dr. Pardue’s rabbit, and Mrs. Gwynn’s parrot went missing.” Then the police officer gave them free tickets to the carnival. They said “We already went.” He said, “Go again.” On the same day, two houses were robbed. The kids go to investigate. If you want to find out who stole the animals and who robbed the houses, then start reading. I liked this book and would recommend it.

Thumbs up!

A to Z Mysteries: The Deadly Dungeon, by Rob Roy (Series Book 4)

Review by Sourya M., 3rd grade

If you read The Absent Author, then you will understand this book. The Deadly Dungeon takes place in a castle in Main, and the person who lives there is a famous author named Wallis Wallace. There are three main characters, and all of them are kids. Their names are Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose. In Wallis Wallace’s backyard, there is a little playhouse. In the book, they mention a person named Emery Scott. He or she is the person who lived in the castle before the writer. The castle has weird sounds and the three kids try to discover what makes those sounds. At the end of the book, they think they solved the mystery, but they don’t. I liked this book and would recommend it.

Thumbs up!

A to Z Mysteries: The Empty Envelope, by Rob Roy (Series Book 5)

Review by Sourya M., 3rd grade

The Empty Envelope is such a mysterious book. If you like mysteries, then you should read A to Z Mysteries. The Empty Envelope is about stealing a valuable stamp. Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are trying to solve the mystery. The A to Z Mysteries makes you wonder about a lot. For example, this book makes you wonder how and why they stole the expensive stamp. There are five envelopes, but one is empty. Also, there are two crooks in the whole book. Start reading if you want to find out who the two crooks are and which envelope has the expensive stamp.

Thumbs up!

A to Z Mysteries: The Goose’s Gold, by Rob Roy (Series Book 7)

Review by Sourya M., 3rd grade

The Goose’s Gold is a boat. There are three kids, and the kid’s names are Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose. Those who own the boat dive underwater for goodies such as gold and silver. The three kids came to Key West, Florida, to meet Ruth Rose’s grandmother. When the kids got off the airplane, Dink was calling his mother. When he got off the phone, a guy behind him was talking in a whisper voice and acted suspiciously. Dink told his friends that he thought he was planning a robbery. Dink also told them he saw an eagle’s head on his ankle. They came to Key West, Florida on the winter break. Do you want to find out what he was planning? Then start reading.

Thumbs up!

Bad Kitty Takes the Test, by Nick Bruel

Review by Jessie-Marie P., 3rd grade

In Bad Kitty Takes the Test, Bad Kitty receives a letter in the mail. Inside the envelope is a note which reads, “Dear Bad Kitty: You have not been acting like a cat. You let the baby dress you up for Halloween, you got stuck in the vet’s blinds, and you let the puppy sit on you when you were sleeping. You must take a test to make sure you are still a cat!” Her owner was very confused but still she made her go to the school and take the test. Strange Kitty was leading the class. Chatty Kitty was there and was very scared. There was even a kitty that didn’t look like a cat there, and for some reason Uncle Murray showed up. The book was very good and very funny. I recommend that you read it to find out the ending!

Thumbs up!

Big Nate Strikes Again, by Lincoln Peirce (Series Book 2)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

Eleven year old Nate is a funny kid and so are his two friends, Teddy and Francis. His archenemy is Gina. In this book, Nate and Gina are partnered for a project. Gina doesn’t want Nate to ruin her spotless academic record, so Gina tells Nate that she will do the project by herself and put both of their names on it. Nate said she should not play fleeceball (indoor baseball with a broomstick for a bat) and ruin the team. Gina already ruined the team because Nate forgot to tell the coach their team name so Gina told the coach the name was Kuddle Kittens. Nate was super mad because he wanted the team name to be Psycho Dogs. Some crazy things happen at the end of this book. I think this book was great

Thumbs up!

The Boxcar Children: The Mystery Of The Traveling Tomatoes by Gertrude Chandler Warner (Series Book 117)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

This book is about when Benny, Violet, Jessie, and Henry Alden find out that their tomato plants have traveled. The same thing happens again the next day. Also, they hear that someone robbed the bank. After putting everything together, they figure it out. Read the book to find out who the culprit is! I think this book was amazing

Thumbs up!

Chocolate Fever, by Robert Kimmel Smith

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

This book is about a kid named Henry Green who loves chocolate. He eats chocolate every day. He has two siblings, Mark and Elizabeth. One day, he doesn’t feel good. Then, something bad happens. Read the rest of the book to find out!
I think this book was amazing

Thumbs up!

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling (Series Book 6)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

Harry Potter is a wizard whose parents were killed by an evil wizard named Voldemort. He has lots of epic adventures. In this book, Harry unexpectedly got to attend potion classes at Hogwarts. Since he did not have a book, his new potions teacher let him borrow a book. There were helpful tips and cool spells in the book. When Harry checked the owner of the book, it said ”This Book is the Property of The Half-Blood Prince.” Harry wondered who the half-blood prince was. Read the book to find out! The book also has some sad parts and parts about love. I think the book is amazing!

Thumbs up!

I survived the Sinking of the Titanic, by Lauren Tarshis (Series Book 1)

Review by Bade B., 3rd grade

I picked this book to read because I was excited to learn about the Titanic. After watching the movie with my parents, I wanted to read a book about it too. Ten year old George Calder, his little sister, Phoebe and his aunt Daisy were traveling on the Titanic. He was so excited to be on this incredibly big ship and started to wander around. He ran away to explore this great ship and got into trouble many times. While exploring this gigantic ship, George heard a loud noise like thunder and the whole ship started to shake. The massive Titanic hit an iceberg and with the damage it got, the ship started to sink. After a short while, George realized that his sister Phoebe was missing.

Thumbs up!

Impossible Crime, by Mac Barnett

Review by Aariv A., 3rd grade

Mac Barnett is an American spy as a kid and is on a secret mission to help The Queen of England protect the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Since she knows somebody is going to steal it at night, she locks them in a tough brick room, but they fall asleep. Mac finds out, calls the queen and reveals the person who stole it. They play a golf game while the thief is in jail playing a card game behind tough steel bars. The Queen is very happy and thanks Mac with 5 pairs of gloves and a note for his absence and tells him to give it to his teacher. Read the book to know who stole the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. I highly recommend this book to all readers who love mystery books.

Thumbs up!

King & Kayla and the Case of the Downstairs Ghost, by Dori Hillestad Butler (Series Book 10)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

King is a dog who solves cases with owner, Kayla. They sometimes have to solve mysteries with their friends, Mason, Jillian, and Thor, who is Jillian’s dog. In this book, King and Kayla go to a sleepover at Jillian’s house. She tells them to keep their stuff in the living room because Jillian thinks there is a ghost in the basement. Kayla decides to investigate and see if there really is a ghost. When they go down there, Kayla turns on the lights. They don’t hear anything. Then Jillian says you can only hear the ghost when the lights are off. Then Kayla and Jillian make a list of clues. I read this book and thought it was really interesting.

Thumbs up!

Magic Tree House: Lions at Lunchtime, by Mary Pope Osborne (Series Book 11)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

Jack and Annie are two siblings that once found a magic tree house that took them to the past. After a few adventures, they met Morgan, the owner of the tree house. In this book, Jack and Annie both go on an adventure in the African plains. After some crazy adventures, they go back to the tree house. But when they get there, something is waiting for them. Read the rest of the book to find out! I think this book was great!

Thumbs up!

Magic Tree House: Hour of the Olympics, by Mary Pope Osborne (Series Book 16)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

Jack and Annie are two siblings that once found a magic tree house that took them to the past. After a few adventures, they met Morgan, the owner of the tree house. In this book, Jack and Annie both go to the Olympics in Greece. Morgan told them to show their library cards to a wise person. After that they met someone named Plato. Jack thought that he looked wise so he and Annie both showed their cards to him. He recognized them at once and told them to come with him. Then they showed him a paper with a poem that they needed. After taking them to get the poem, they went to the Olympics. Then they realized that women weren’t allowed. Annie said she would stay back. Then, after they sat down, something bad happened. Read the rest of the book to find out! I think this book was amazing!

Thumbs up!

Magic Tree House: Thanksgiving on Thursday (Series Book 27)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

Jack and Annie are two siblings that once found a magic tree house that took them to the past. After a few adventures, they met Morgan, the owner of the tree house. In this book, Jack and Annie travel to the first Thanksgiving. They land in some woods. They look at the village from behind a tree. They see a dog coming towards them. Suddenly, the dog starts barking. Read the book to find out what happens next and everything else! I think this book is amazing!

Thumbs up!

Magic Tree House: High Tide in Hawaii, by Mary Pope Osborne (Series Book 28)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

Jack and Annie are two siblings that once found a magic tree house that took them to the past. After a few adventures, they met Morgan, the owner of the tree house. In this book, Jack and Annie go to Hawaii. There, they meet some people that they stay with. The next day, they decide to go surfing. As Jack is surfing back, something bad happens. Read the rest of the book to find out!
I think this book was great!

Thumbs up!

Max & the Midknights, by Lincoln Peirce (Series Book 1)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

Max is an apprentice troubadour with her uncle, Budrick. In this book, they have many adventures. Like running into Bjovia and deciding to stop there since Budrick used to live there before he ran away. When they get there, they learn that King Conrad died on a quest to defeat a monster and that his evil brother, Gastley has taken over the throne. They learn it from a kid named Kevyn. They also save two kids, Simon and Millie. Millie was an orphan who lived in an orphanage with other orphans before every adult turned against them and Simon is a kid whose parents turned against him too. They meet Kevyn’s dad, Nolan and Mumblin, a retired wizard that used to work in King Conrad’s court. They have other adventures in this book such as Nolan being turned giant by Munblin and saving Max, her friends, and Budrick from soldiers and defeating King Gastley. I read this book and thought it was really eventful. I think this book is amazing

Thumbs up!

Max and the Midknights: Battle of the Bodkins, by Lincoln Peirce (Series Book 2)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

Max is a knight in knight school who used to go with her friend Simon. Then, Simon quit to help their friend Kevyn’s dad with his horses at his stable. In this book, after a day at knight school, Max and her friend Millie went to Kevyn’s library. Millie was a sorceress in training. On the way, they met Simon. When they got there, Millie used a spell to duplicate his book. After that, they looked at them. Then, they saw that one of the books looked different. They have more adventures in the book like going into the realm of the bodkins and Max being saved from dying by a gem on a necklace. I read this book and thought it was really scary because there are lots of imposters in it. I think this book is great!

Thumbs up!

Max and the Midknights: The Tower of Time, by Lincoln Peirce (Series Book 3)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

Max is a midknight with her friends, Millie, Simon, and Kevyn. In this book, Max searches for information about her mysterious twin. She meets her friends and they start talking about her mysterious twin. Then, Sir Gadabout says he figured out that the mysterious twin’s name is Mary. They also have other adventures such as going into the Tower of Time to learn about their past and going into the place where the prisoners are worked to death. I read this book and thought it was heartfelt. I think this book is amazing!

Thumbs up!

My Weirder-est School: Dr. Floss Is the Boss, by Dan Gutman (Series Book 3)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

A.J. is a kid who hates school. He has an archenemy named Andrea who loves school. She has a best friend named Emily who is scared of everything. AJ has 3 best friends: Ryan, Mike, and Neil. In this book, a dentist named Dr. Floss comes to teach kids about dental health. But for some reason, she wants kids to have cavities so they can come to her for dentist appointments and she can get money to fix her car. AJ and his class thought she was joking, but they realize maybe something is wrong. Read this book to find out more! I think this book is great!

Thumbs up!

No Place For Monsters: School of Phantoms by Kory Merrit (Series Book 2)

Review by Rithvik K., 3rd grade

Kathrine Bombard and her friend Levi have gone on an adventure to save Twila, Levi’s younger sister. The weird thing was that nobody remembered her. Once they found her, they attacked the Boojum which was what took her. In this book, it tried to take the whole school by playing a movie to hypnotize them. Luckily, Kat escaped with a kid named Donte. Levi and a few others were at the bathroom and the custodian was at the landline. After they all met they stayed together for some time. Then something bad happened. Read the rest of the book to find out! I think this book was amazing!