Category: Uncategorized
The Great Give Back Dog or Cat Toy for Grades 3-6
Dog or Cat Toy Making “Take & Make”
Create a dog or Cat toy at home while earning 1 hour of community service credit. Registration begins Monday, September 18. Once you are registered you can come pick up your kit. Then you will return the completed toy to the Children’s Library by Saturday, October 21, and we’ll donate them to a local animal shelter.
Click here to register for the DOG TOY kit
Click here to register for the CAT TOY Kit
How to make the Dog Toy:
Questions? Email
Giant Game & Big Voice Day
Join us on the Library lawn for an afternoon of fun & games! Try your hand at games such as Giant versions of Connect 4, Scrabble, and Checkers. Move and balance with Twister. Sing your heart out with karaoke. Or spin the prize wheel! The next dates will be:
Wednesdays, July 12 and/or August 9.
4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Fun for families with babies through 6th grade. No registration required.
Questions? Email
Be a Part of the 2023 Summer Reading Club Decorations!
This summer’s theme is “All Together Now: Kindness, Friendship and Unity” and we want to feature the children of our community throughout our themed decorations.
To participate, we ask that you submit 3 headshots of your child holding a photograph that shows family members from a past generation.
- Please ask your child to hold the family photo close to their face. The headshots will be cropped to include only their head, shoulders and mid chest.
- Please dress your child in a solid colored shirt and if possible, take the photo against a solid colored background.
- Please no group photos. Each child’s picture should be as an individual.
- All images that are used will be displayed for the entire year.
- Photos should be of children birth to those entering 6th grade.
- Photos should be emailed to *Please include the child’s full name and age.
- *The deadline for submitting photos is Friday, March 31, 2023.
- Please use the sample images below as a model for your photograph.
Here are some examples:
Tips for taking your photos:
- You may use a smartphone, however if you have a digital camera the print-outs will be clearer.
- Please submit high-quality JPEG or TIFF files.
- When taking photos:
- Shoot full face including head, shoulders and mid chest.
- The brighter the picture, the better.
- If it’s a sunny day, shoot pictures in the shade to avoid shadow.
- Take the picture with the sun behind the photographer.
Take & Make Community Service Art Project (Grades 3-6) February 10-26

Express your artistic talent and earn community service! Pick up your art kit – a flat canvas, acrylic paint set and paintbrush – starting on Friday, February 10th and return your creative work of art by Sunday, February 26th . The paintings will be displayed in the Children’s Library for the month of March. Participants will earn two hours of community service credit. Only one kit per child.